Internet People!!! These are people who I talk to on the internet, either they have mates who know me, but don't know me themselves, or ones I have met in chatrooms or on Faceparty. I only have pictures, as I have never met most of these people :-( if anyone wants their picture up here, mail me. kimothyh@hotmail.com This is Lewis, I've seen Lewis once and I love him to bits. He's one of Hemma's mates and he's into the same kinda things as me, which is a plus! This is Dan from Faceparty. He's unbelievably sexy and stuff! He mailed me and told me he liked monkeys and we just kept talking! We like the same sort of things and I really wish he didn't live in Manchester! (danielson2k) This is Wicky. He's wuvly! And he thinks I'm yummy! I met Wicky on Faceparty. (wickywoowoo) This is Joey (stood at the back with black hair). She's from Faceparty as well. She's into the same stuff as me and she rocks! (blackbat) This is Kenny. We talk about completely random things (like what we would do if we were millionaires, then got married and become multi-millionaires!) and he's great. He got his eyebrows shaved off :-) (cone) This is Eddie. He put a pic of me on his site (see Links page) so here he is on my page! He's from Faceparty as well and he's funkee! (mudd_slapper757) This is Will He's gorgeous and I met him on Faceparty. He plagues me to go on MSN but my compoota doesn't like it. But we still talk through Faceparty. (whoopi) James is yet ANOTHER person I met on Faceparty. He's from the NorthEast (lol. Finally, somwone who knows the area!) and he likes NOFX. (james_wsy2k) Here are some random people who I have acquired photos of Half of them, I don't know. But they are all lovely! ooh ooh I know who this is! It's Lewis' Mate Graham! He looks nothing like this pic! LOL!!! This is Harland. I went to one of his house parties and there was a shitload of food that his Mam had sent over for him, and Coza ate this huge fucking pie and it smelled really bad in the morning. Umm.... I think he's from Manchester... WHO IS THIS??? I recall talking to him... but his name escapes me (sorry Hunni!) Shawn from Somerset. I think. This is Chris. He lives in Leeds. We don't really talk anymore. |