Me And My Mates
Quotes + Advice
Crazy Photos
College Crap
Sick Things
Moods of Kim


A list of most of the people who helped me with 

this site.

~*~ My friends and family for giving me ideas, photos, links, quotes and pictures. Special mentions go to Jill, Amy and Jojo for giving me photos (or letting me steal them from their websites - Matt also let me do this), for all their dumb quotes, and collecting Bainsey's quotes. Also Aimee for giving me ideas for new pages, colour schemes and pictures ("Trust me, Kim, I'm an artist!") Also to Ashley for always doing my hair (nothing to do with the site, but I wanted to mention her for that).

~*~ www.dollrage.com for all their cool little "people pictures" and also their links to other sites with cool little "people pictures". Go to their site and have a nose about. it really is quite good.

~*~ Hotmail (www.hotmail.com) for giving me an E-Mail address.

~*~ 20m (www.20m.com) for giving me some Web Space.

~*~ Mike for showing me what to do with hyperlinks, etc. and for helping me upload this site.

~*~ Phil for putting up my guest counter (I couldn't get the dumb-ass little html code to work right).

~*~ Microsoft FrontPage for helping me build my site and stopping me from having to learn html codes (even though Guff and Matt take the piss).

~*~ The Odessa Nightclub in Hartlepool for playing crap music and getting me drunk so I can get ideas for this site, that's where a lot of the blonde sayings were mentioned first.

And my dog, my parents for letting me be born.....next door's dog....*sniff sniff*......the milkman........ *SNIFF*..... *bursts into tears*.......

I'm so happy.

No pigeons or skateboys were harmed in the making of this site, although several skateboys were molestered, though it was for professional reasons only......HONEST!!!!!