Stuey!!! Stuey is WUVLY!!! He's a guy I met at college - he does I.T. type things with Adam. I haven't really known him that long, but we've got a lot in common (Slipknot, Hating Charvs, Taking the Mick out of Adam) and we both get abuse off Adam as well. I saw Stuey wandering about with Adam and thought - I wonder if he can talk - and he CAN! Adam introduced us and I'd smile at him when I saw him (didn't run over and hug him and stuff in case he thought I was a retard). But now he lives in the resource room with me and we sit for hours bitching about lack of sex and stuff. He's a great lad. But he needs a job. And a SHAVE! lol. Love ya Stuey-ooey-ooey Stuey-ooey (Old pic) "Getajob!" "Fat cuuuuuuuuuuunt" "How come ugly people - like Adam - can get sex???" |