Previous Pigeon Logs (to save space on the previous pigeonal page). July 2002 - In Middlesborough we saw some of the scrawniest pigeons EVER! These birds need help, so please donate £2 a month... June 2002 - On the college residential trip to Paris (June 24 - June 28 2002), there were many types of pigeonal activity. They are as follows.
*'Digeons' were seen (pigeons that looked like ducks). *Pigeonal Rape in several areas (In front of the Notre Dame Cathedral, on the Eiffel tower, on any grassy areas, outside the hotel, etc.) *Pigeon shelves all over. One was near our hotel balcony, several on the cathedrals and monuments, etc. *Jojo brought to my attention that pigeons don't have to buy tickets for the Eiffel Tower (They cost 5 Euros 50 Cents - about £3) Pigeons can simply fly to the top, and stop for rests on the structure. *A question was asked. Do French pigeons say "Coo-la-la"????? Answers on a postcard... *Another question - "Would French pigeons be able to understand English pigeons??? Or would they speak a different language or have an accent???" June
2002 - Phil
saves a Pigeon. This is his account of the incident. "I
was in ma bedroom revising and I saw three kids kicking and throwing a pigeon so
I got it off them and put it in the yard it had shock so I left it thinking that
it would fly away when recovered from shock it actually had a broken wing as
well so I phoned RSPCA and they took it". Thank you Phil the Pigeon
Protector. May 2002 - Me and Jojo (on one of our frequent trips to The Odessa) saw, on the grass behind Middleton Grange Shopping Centre, an act of indecent pigeonal exposure. There was this great big fuck off pigeon and it was trying to hump a smaller, skinnier pigeon. After spending several minutes laughing at it, me and Jojo gasped as the small skinny pigeon blanked the big fat pigeon by walking off with her friends. May 2002 - Another pigeon shelf is discovered, on the ledge outside the computer resource room. You can hear the pigeons cooing when working - very soothing. PG Tips also has replaced boring talking chimps with cartoon pigeons. Very sensible. May 2002 - The pigeon shelf is discovered. A small ledge under the computer room (visible from the 'quiet' resource room and June's classroom) can hold pigeons, where they can be observed. This is now known as "The Pigeon Shelf". I also discovered my talent for making pigeonal noises. March 2002 - Jojo brings to light a theory about why pigeons bob their heads (weight must be shifted to prevent pigeon falling over). February 2002 - Comment is made about how good a pigeon would be at giving head (note the pigeonal head action). February 2002 - The obsession begins. From the *ahem* comfort of the number 22 bus, I noticed that there was no-one with the pigeons (feeding them, etc.) It was here that the word 'pigeonal' was first used - "Pigeonal discrimination!" |