My Babies!!! This page is dedicated to my dogs, Dot, Drift and Sharpe. DOT - The Smelly One We got Dorothy when some guy was gonna throw her off Durham bridge and my Dad's mate got her off the guy before he dropped her. Now, Dot's really old, small and smelly. That's it. She sleeps in her basket all day, comes out every now and again for some food/drink, then she goes straight back. Sometimes I walk her to the Post Office and back. She's really boring. She coughed once. This is [young] Dot (and her basket) when she had puppies. You can see them both (black and white & brown and white) in her basket. DRIFT - The Fluffy One Drift is scared of everything that makes loud noises. She hates fireworks and thunder the most. When it thunders I have to sit under the table with her so she doesn't get too scared. We got her when a dog we used to have (Gemma) had pups and no-one wanted her. She got her name because at the time, there were snow-drifts everywhere. She's my baby because people always forget her name and I feel sorry for her. Drift. Looking very spring-chickeny. SHARPE - The Gay One Sharpe is...... well...... in a word, CAMP. He's a poser and if you watch him for a while he gives off that distinct 'Gay -Vibe'. He's a stray from Hartlepool so that may explain a few things. He's scared of Hoovers and Dot (even though he's easily 10 times her size). He can jump high things like fences and he used to jump our garden fence and go to the pub and get fed chips. Fat Bastard. Sharpe. Posing. Memorial This is a tribute to all the dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, stick insects, fish that we've taken care of and kept as pets. I don't know about anyone else, but I still miss you. A million words won't bring you back, I know because I've tried, A million tears won't bring you back, I know because I've cried, Cala, Blackie, Flyn, Splat, Tara, Gemma, Tiger, Sammy, Hannah, Ginger, Patch, Mac, JR, Tango, Pippa, Moss, Flopsy, Snowy.