Quotes + Advice
Crazy Photos
College Crap
Sick Things
Moods of Kim



A sexy Skateboy. He has really cool hair and it's been dyed every colour of the rainbow, and then a few more. He used to spike it but now he's shaved it. I met Dan in Adam's when he came over with Peter and Sarah. I'd seen him EVERY day at the bus stop for, like, 2 months but me being me, I just stood there and thought "PHWOOAR!!!! He's cute!" I never said anything. So when I saw him in Adam's I was like, "OMIGOD! It's the cute guy from the bus stop!!" So we got talking and we ended up seeing each other for about 7 months (he actually finished with me 2 days before our 7 month milestone). He moved to Ipswich a while ago. This was the reason he gave me for our *ahem* parting. Even though we'd managed for 4 months apart. Which sucks. I love him SO much, I always have, I always will, and I would sell my fucking soul to get back with him.

Me, Dan and half of Amy Wall. This was before he moved. When he still loved me.

"I have 2 moods. Happy and happy"

"Fuck off........ into a wall!"
