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When you are next out and about, why not play this delightful little game from "Kimothy Enterprises". It's called 'Chava-Spotting'. Read on for Rules, etc.


Playing the Game


1. Split off into at least two teams each consisting of one or more people. Any number of people can play. Set a time and a meeting point to meet up.

2. Each team has a scorecard (piece of paper) and pen/pencil.

3. Each time a member of your team sees a chava (distinguishable by the checklist - see below) and the chava has 5 of more of the tell-tale signs, put a mark on the paper.

4. At the end of the game go to the designated meeting point and compare scorecards. The team with the most chavas spotted wins!!! The losing team must buy pints (1 round) for the winners.




1. Each chava may be counted only once.

2. If one of your team-mates is a chava, they do not count and should be shot.

3. Photographic evidence of each chava is not required but can be very funny to look at after the game.

4. Luring chavas towards you with 'tabs', White Star, Gold Jewellery or a 'lush' lad is strictly prohibited, if you are found doing this, you will be laughed at for possessing the above items and have a 12 point reduction from your scorecard.


Chava Checklist. 5+ of these means C-H-A-V-A

  • Big gold ear-rings.

  • Big gold rings.

  • Big gold necklaces/bracelets or any other jewellery.

  • Big fringe and big hair (though it is often plastered to their head with 4 tubs of gel/bottles of hairspray).

  • Lots of hair bobbles.

  • Tracksuit and trainers or black trousers and trainers with a tracksuit top.

  • Lighter (rarely any 'taaaabs').

  • Lacy top under trakkie top.

  • Orange foundation (with big line around face). Otherwise known as the 'Oompa-Loompa Look'.

  • Bright blue eyeshadow.

  • Small child in a pram or pushchair,

  • Bottle of Lambrini, White- Star/Lightning/etc.

  • Eyebrows plucked away to almost nothing.

The above can be adapted to Male Chavas as well, though they are generally harder to spot. Here are some pictures for a guideline.